11 life-changing Online Courses that you can avail from Harvard University without any cost
If you are looking for any life-changing courses, including learning about high-income Python, AI and Data professions, to take online, this content is for your ultimate benefit to fulfill your need with a zero investment. Additionally, if your wish is to take from a reputed institution also this content will really make your day.
Reminder: All the proposed courses in the list are available without any cost.
Harvard University, a private Ivy League research university
in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States that is devoted to excellence in
teaching, learning, and research, and to developing leaders who make a
difference globally, is offering such courses via online in various hot disciplines raging from learning Python, Machine Learning, AI, Data to many others.
The year 2025 will give you so much of talent if you don't
miss below mentioned such 11 courses:
1. Data Science: Machine Learning
According to university you will learn the basics of machine learning whereby insights on how to perform cross-validation to avoid overtraining, several popular machine learning algorithms, how to build a recommendation system, and what is regularization and why it is useful are the other crucial learnings that you should not miss.
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2. Artificial Intelligence in Business: Creating Value with Machine Learning
Taking this course you will be able to leverage new technologies to build value for your organization. Also, this platform teaches you to learn how to manage and apply artificial intelligence in the global business world. Similarly, conceptualizing to develop an understanding of when to pursue new technologies and how they fit into your business strategy will be an additional advantage without a doubt.
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3. CS50's Computer Science for Business Professionals
This course is designed for the business professionals where it focuses on CS50’s introduction to computer science. If you get a chance to take this course, you will be able to learn the topics such as computational thinking, programming languages, internet technologies, web development, technology stacks, and cloud computing.
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4. Introduction to Data Science with Python
Among previous three this course has something news to learn a new product called Python. This course will be taught by instructor Pavlos Protopapas whereby this online course will teach you how to use Python to harness and analyze data. Learning areas on this course will not be limited to gaining hands-on experience and practice using Python to solve real data science challenges; practicing Python coding for modeling, statistics, and storytelling; utilizing popular libraries such as Pandas, numPy, matplotlib, and SKLearn; running basic machine learning models using Python also evaluating how those models are performing, and apply those models to real-world problems; building a foundation for the use of Python in machine learning and artificial intelligence, preparing you for future Python study.
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5. CS50's Understanding Technology
You must curious to know about computing and tech. If you grab an online course and learn from where ever you live in the world, you can sign up for this course. This will teach you to know how the technology you use everyday works. The internet, multimedia, security, web development and programming are the others essentials you will learn about on this Harvard course.
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6. HarvardX: CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python
Python has become a huge topic these days and gained a lot
more learners in recent years. From this course you will be taught on the
various subjects such as an introduction to programming using Python, a popular
language for general-purpose programming, data science, web programming, and
more. The course is designed for students with or without programming experience
who are curious to know Python while gaining associated skills such as Boolean
Expression, C (Programming Language), Computer Science, Data Science,
Debugging, JavaScript (Programming Language), Personal Computers, Python
(Programming Language), Regular Expressions, SQL (Programming Language), Unit
Testing, Web Browsers and Web Development are the essentials parts.
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7. CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript - May 2023
On this course the topics such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Git, Python, Django, SQL, Models,
and Migrations are covered. This
course picks up where CS50 leaves off, diving more deeply into the design and
implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks
like Django, React, and Bootstrap.
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8. HarvardX: CS50's Mobile App Development with React Native
This interactive course will tech about mobile app development with React Native, a
popular framework maintained by Facebook that enables cross-platform native
apps using JavaScript without Java or Swift. This course picks up where CS50
leaves off, transitioning from web development to mobile app development with
React Native. The course introduces you to modern JavaScript (including ES6 and
ES7) as well as to JSX, a JavaScript extension.
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Discover 11 free Harvard online courses in Python, AI, data science, and web programming for 2025. Learn high-income skills at zero cost!
9. HarvardX: CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
This course covers Knowledge Representation, Graph Search Algorithms, Adversarial Search, Bayesian Networks, Logical Reasoning, Probability Theory, and Markov Models. It further explores the concepts and algorithms at the foundation of modern artificial intelligence, diving into the ideas that give rise to technologies like game-playing engines, handwriting recognition, and machine translation. Through hands-on projects, students gain exposure to the theory behind graph search algorithms, classification, optimization, machine learning, large language models, and other topics in artificial intelligence as they incorporate them into their own Python programs. By course’s end, students emerge with experience in libraries for machine learning as well as knowledge of artificial intelligence principles that enable them to design intelligent systems of their own.
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10. CS50's Introduction to Programming with Scratch
The course covers a gentle introduction to programming that prepares you for subsequent courses in coding. It teaches the programming using Scratch, a visual programming language via which aspiring programmers can write code by dragging and dropping graphical blocks (that resemble puzzle pieces) instead of typing out text. Used at the start of Harvard College's introductory course in computer science, CS50, Scratch was designed at MIT's Media Lab, empowering students with no prior programming experience to design their own animations, games, interactive art, and stories. Using Scratch, this course introduces students to fundamentals of programming, found not only in Scratch itself but in traditional text-based languages (like Java and Python) as well.
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11. HarvardX: CS50's Introduction to Computer Science
At Harvard University the "HarvardX: CS50's Introduction to Computer Science" teaches you a way deep into an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. It covers the topics including Problem solving through algorithms and Programming languages such as C, Pbython, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, etc. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. The on-campus version of CS50x , CS50, is Harvard's largest course.
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